Austin Office
Dallas/Ft. Worth Office
Tekplan: Tampa Office 
Tekplan: Fort Myers Office

Texas Wesleyan University, Fort Worth, Texas

About the Project

Texas Wesleyan University is located on a 75-acre campus in the Polytechnic Heights Neighborhood in east Fort Worth. In 2014, Enviromatic Systems replaced all of the legacy CSI I/NET controls on the entirety of the Texas Wesleyan University Campus. This was a 16 building controls retrofit performed in conjunction with a performance contract done by Way Service Company out of Houston, Texas.


We replaced the controls in all 16 buildings within less than a 15-month period during several school semesters. The Reliable Controls BACnet system was implemented in the Oneal Seals Administration Building, the Eunice and James L. West Library, the Sid Richardson Center, the Brown Lupton Center, the Morton Fitness Center, PUMC (Poly United Methodist Church) Center, the Armstrong-Mabee Business Center, the Ella McFadden Science Building, Nickolas Martin Hall, Law Sones Building, Dan Waggoner Hall, Elizabeth Armstrong Hall, Dora Roberts Dining Hall, Otho C. Armstrong Hall, Stella Russell Hall, and most importantly the university’s Central Utility Plant.


This project was a perfect fit because we excel at complete building campus energy management and control retrofit projects where we need to keep the existing occupied buildings online and comfortable while we bring the Reliable Controls BACnet MS/TP network up in tandem to the existing proprietary network and pull each unit over to the new system one by one. Our implementation of the Reliable Controls RC-WebView web-based GUI (Guided User Interface) user front-end is able to be operated by a multitude of energy managers and plant operators on staff at the Texas Wesleyan University physical plant central operations office.


Over the last several years we have kept expanding our system at the university since the added some additional buildings to their campus. In 2019, we added our controls to the newly constructed Martin Center – a 44,000 square foot Student Center with a bookstore, food court, and other large meeting and ballrooms. We performed this project for the MEP design firm Baird Hampton Brown and Thos. S. Byrne Construction company.

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