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Ferrari of Austin is a luxury car dealership located off I35 just South of downtown Austin. This dealership was constructed in 2018 and houses some of the most luxurious sports cars in the world. The mechanical electrical and plumbing (MEP) design firm on this project was Summit Consulting Engineers. The mechanical design consists of four (4) Aaon Rooftop Air Handling Units. One of these air handling units has a variable volume supply fan and serves a group of 15 VAV terminal units with 57 degree air at 1.5” of static pressure as maintained by the VFD controlled supply fans so these VAV terminal units can maintain comfort in different area of the dealership.
This dealership has two levels: an upper dealership level and a lower indoor garage in the basement. This basement has multiple carbon monoxide sensors to monitor space conditions and to control safe levels of petroleum based engine exhaust levels and to ventilate (enable exhaust and supply fans) to keep enough fresh air in the garage.
This was a unique project for our Austin team to perform. We were lucky to have exceptional equipment start-up support from Texas Air Systems in getting the Aaon package air rooftop air handling units up and fully operational. These Aaon units were quite sophisticated with variable speed compressors and dehumidification capabilities.
We provide recurring training for the staff at Ferrari of Austin so they know how to maintain and troubleshoot the Reliable Controls MACH-ProWebCom user interface. It’s unique three-in-one combines a BTL-listed BACnet Building Controller (B‑BC), a BACnet Operator Workstation (B‑OWS), and a powerful web server in a single package no larger than a typical controller. The built-in workstation is very affordable by eliminating workstation client software, and the built-in web server reduces costs by eliminating client license renewals and fees for cloud services.
Discover the Enviromatic Systems difference.
2337 West Warrior Trail
Grand Prairie, TX 75052
2201 Woodward St
Austin, TX 78744
License #’s TACLA 111816E/ M41137